Sexual Abuse Statistics

A statue of justice holding a scale and a gavel.

Only 15% of child victims disclose the fact that they have been sexually abused

1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before they reach age 18

Only 15% of child victims disclose the fact that they have been sexually abused

1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before they reach age 18

Only 15% of child victims disclose the fact that they have been sexually abused

1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before they reach age 18

Were you abused?

Get a consultation today!









What measures can I take to ensure my safety and privacy if I choose to speak out about my abuse?

Across the nation, there are civil and criminal laws established to protect individuals who have experienced sexual violence, particularly if they were minors at the time. In several states, specific legislation has been enacted to empower survivors of child sexual abuse to pursue legal recourse while maintaining their anonymity. This crucial provision not only safeguards your privacy but also enables you to engage in the civil proceedings with utmost safety and confidentiality.


Who should I share my situation with?

We recognize that discussing details about your lawsuit is a deeply personal decision, and you have the full right to maintain complete confidentiality if that is your preference. Be assured that any information you share with us will be treated with the highest level of confidentiality. As an organization, we highly value and prioritize the privacy and anonymity of survivors.

Although we suggest considering the support of a therapist throughout this process, the choice ultimately rests with you. You are free to openly and honestly discuss any challenges you may face with the therapist of your choosing.


What are the necessary steps involved in filing a claim for sexual abuse?

We understand that every case of sexual abuse is unique, and the process of filing a claim or lawsuit entails various steps. Fortunately, our highly-trained team is committed to ensuring that this process is as smooth and straightforward as possible for you. To begin, all you need to do is reach out to our firm for a complimentary and confidential legal consultation. Our advocate, who is well-versed in trauma-informed practices, will listen compassionately to your personal experience of abuse and its impact on your life while discussing your legal options.

After a thorough evaluation of your potential lawsuit, if we determine that there is a valid basis to proceed, we will discuss a representation agreement with you and provide an estimated timeline for filing a lawsuit on your behalf.


Is it still possible for me to disclose the abuse I experienced as a child?

In numerous states across the country, laws have been revised to empower survivors, allowing them to pursue justice through both civil and criminal channels to expose instances of abuse and cover-ups. Even if you currently do not possess legal rights, there are still actions you can take to disrupt the cycle of child sexual abuse and reclaim your agency. Regardless of how much time has passed since the abuse occurred, it is never too late to come forward with your story, regain control, and play a crucial role in protecting the well-being of children in the future.

Trust a firm fighting to give voices back to the unheard

JJJ: Childhood Sexual Abuse Case Updates

August 5, 2023
In recent years, survivors of child sexual abuse have increasingly come forward to share their stories, seeking justice and accountability for the harm they endured. The legal landscape surrounding these cases has seen significant developments, with some states enacting reforms to provide survivors with greater opportunities to seek recourse and expose abusers and cover-ups.
July 1, 2023
Recently, there have been significant developments in this area of law. In a landmark move, three states have removed their statutes of limitation on child sex abuse lawsuits, allowing victims to seek justice regardless of when the abuse occurred. This is a major step forward, as it acknowledges the fact that many victims are unable to come forward until well into adulthood due to the trauma they have experienced.

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